Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Pointers about MPLS - Update 30042014

* Enhanced QoS and security with MPLS Vertualization
* Vertualization provides ease of Application and traffic management types: Voice, Data, Video, etc.
* It is possible to migrate from other WAN legacy such as Frame-Relay to MPLS and roughly has 6 steps the end point.
* Routing Protocol - uses OSPF internally and BGP between WANs
* Provide possible basic firewall at LER (Edge Routers) to withstand certain network attacks
* Management information base: needed to provide standardized visibility into network.
* Possibly will need to configure VPN Tunnel between LER and have BGP running from LER to Core router (possible solution)
* Troubleshoot tools: LSPing, LSP traceroute, ICMP ping with and without context and bi-directional forwarding detection for MPLS LSPs.

Possibly will need to run a basic MPLS Lab again to point out the weaknesses that now may surface.

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